Leader's Launch Code

Honoring the Past ~ Recognizing the Present ~ Building the Future
When I first came to Oak Harbor FUMC in 2016, I immediately instituted what I have called “Life Change Moments” in the worship service. These were lay witness moments to share stories and experiences that you and we have had as people seeking to grow in our faith as we follow Jesus Christ. I’ve always believed there’s something magnanimous and fascinating about learning about …PEOPLE! Discovering (and reinforcing) how Jesus changes all of our lives is good news to all ears every Sunday. And perhaps, “Life-Change” stories are also helpful at key transitions where we must remember afresh that God is always doing something new.

I am now several weeks out from our departure; from Oak Harbor, from FT vocational ministry, and from Washington State. Transitions matter! How we navigate change determines the health of our body, the steadiness of our course and the sturdiness of our resolve. One thing remains impenetrably true: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

Recently, as I reflected on our upcoming launch with our new, incoming Pastor Linda Tucker, I scripted a few thoughts about a “Launch Code” as an invitation into attitudes and actions that will center our lives on being the church and staying strong through this change. Here is what I’d like to share with you as a covenant of commitments:

As Leaders (and Parishioners) of OHFUMC, we will covenant to give our church family two amazing gifts in this up-coming season: UNITY and MOMENTUM! Our prayers, conversations, ministry endeavors and commitments will all underscore this vision of working towards a readiness to launch into a new and fruitful future! 
In pursuit of this, we will…
  • Set our house in order by…
    • Completing unfinished projects
    • Creating clarity for staff, leadership, congregation and ministry programming
    • Purging our campus of clutter and storage junk

  • Ramp up positive energy by…
    • Sharing ideas around new beginnings
    • Working with our new pastor upon her arrival
    • Creating positive connections & introductions
    • Building bridges and affirming a hopeful future

  • Affirm and encourage the staff through this transition by…
    • Praying for them
    • Expressing gratitude for their work
    • Asking how you might help serve their ministries

  • Choose “Agreement” as our path forward after decisions by…
    • Assuming the best of all
    • Supporting decisions we may have made differently
    • Embracing a good-faith attitude as we prepare to adjust our lives to coming

  • Visibly show our unity in mission by…
    • Not hitting the “Pause” button
    • Not lingering in the shadows, waiting & watching
    • Participating in the ministry outreaches of the church

  • Demonstrate loyalty to the church by…
    • Our continued and faithful attendance
    • Our continued and faithful ministry participation
    • Our continued and faithful financial giving

  • Remember we are blessed to be a blessing by…
    • Speaking this encouragement to one another as a reminder
    • Focusing on our responsibility and not on the pastoral leadership transition
    • Being the church, not just waiting for the church you want

  • Honor God in all we do and say by…
    • Declaring Jesus as Governor and Lord of this church
    • Taking the high road in our chapter changes
    • Living the story of the church with joy
    • Staying IN the story and ON the main story

  • Love one another through this time by…
    • Listening to one another’s hearts
    • Bolstering faith and hope for our future
    • Role modeling unwavering devotion to this family
    • Ramping up our presence, commitment and relational engagement with the church family
These actions and attitudes together comprise the genetic code for living as a vital church before, during and after transitions have taken place. This is what it means to be a community of Jesus followers. Will you please join me on this quest?
“With God all things are possible" ~ Jesus
Matthew 19:26
Pastor David 5020202020Recent




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