2024 Staff Reviews

Dear FUMC Family,

Let’s be honest and laugh. Everybody dreads the old “Annual Appraisal.” Not exactly the most coveted day of the year! But I believe, with a positive approach, that "Feedback is the breakfast of champions" - Ken Blanchard.

As a congregation, you are an important voice in helping to refine, improve, encourage and strengthen our ministry servants. To help us calibrate for this New Year, and get focused and excited about growth, the SPPR, and Pastor David Parker, will be conducting annual reviews this February. Staff reviews will be Thursday, January 25th.
I am asking you to help me (and our SPPR Chair, Nancy Kenyon) in offering specific, constructive, and healthy feedback to strengthen and improve, celebrate and encourage, the performance of our ministry servants. Would you please consider offering your prayerful and insightful feedback so that in our review time, we can engage the true substance of their leadership and ministry? Our hope is to offer feedback (and set goals) that will be productive, fruitful, meaningful and enhancing for their ministries and the life of our church.

Feedback is invited for all our ministry servants:
Carrie Cecka – Administrative Assistant
Sandy Shields – Church Bookkeeper
Lisa Bain – Accompanist
Alex Felger – Technical Director
Sebastian Serrano Ayala – Lead Musician
Mariah Hodges  - Custodian

Please fill out the website survey for each employee. A link for this will be found in our weekly email. Or, if you do not have email access, send your reflections and feedback to Pastor David at david@oakharborfumc.org and Nancy Kenyan at n_kenyon@att.net.

All feedback is confidential and will be distilled, condensed and summarized with all other inputs in a generic fashion. No names will be attached to this collage of reflections, but it would be a responsible and loving action on your part to share your thoughts on paper as if you were talking to the person face-to-face.
“The pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel”
Proverbs 27:9b NIV
Strengthening our Staff Together!

David Parker, Pastor
Nancy Kenyon, SPPR Chair

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