Recent Editions

Getting Ready For A New Way
June 20th, 2024
“Thus says the Lord: Stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.”Jeremiah 6:16 NRSV Friends, the time has finally arrived. We are about to embark on a brand-new journey under a new pastoral leader (Linda Tucker). Change is in the air and on the ground. I want to remind all of us that the “New Way” in minist...
The Work of Prayer
June 13th, 2024
Of all the ways we can be preparing ourselves for the major changes that are ahead, and the receiving of a new pastoral leader, nothing cements a strong foundation for readiness  as does the work of PRAYER! What if we were to AGREE, in these remaining three weeks, to pray in one accord for our church, our community, and our new pastor? How might that shape our hearts and our “readiness quotient?”P...
Leader's Launch Code
June 13th, 2024
Honoring the Past ~ Recognizing the Present ~ Building the Future When I first came to Oak Harbor FUMC in 2016, I immediately instituted what I have called “Life Change Moments” in the worship service. These were lay witness moments to share stories and experiences that you and we have had as people seeking to grow in our faith as we follow Jesus Christ. I’ve always believed there’s something magn...
The Ten Commandments of Receiving a New Pastor
June 6th, 2024
Whenever anyone says, these are the “Ten commandments of…” you are about to read decisive and constitutional ideas that are foundational for something that is very important and strategic to success and healthy relationships. Quite a number of years ago, I wrote a piece about pastoral transitions which I want to share with you now. I have changed the names, but the principles are still the same. H...
How Do You See It?
June 6th, 2024
Change is an inevitable and never-ending season. Change can be both draining and exciting. All of life continues in motion, even if we seek out a habitat of stationary continuity. As I prepare to leave, and Pastor Linda Tucker prepares to arrive, people will choose to look through this moment with a variety of lenses (ways to perceive and interpret). Two of the more opposite lenses (visions) are h...