NAS Whidbey Navy Family

For 82 years, Oak Harbor has been home to the NAS Whidbey Navy Family as we see so plainly on Highway 20 heading into town. Our church family has a long and storied journey with the Navy, and we have been “home-away-from-home” for countless sailors and their families through all of those many years.

This Friday night, April 12th, we have a wonderful opportunity to play host to the “Single Sailors” population on the base (some 1,500+). Invites have been sent out for a home-cooked gathering as we share a special “Community Connections Dinner” in Centennial Hall. Many have signed up to help and to cook. It is never too late to call June Zacharias (360-682-2549) to find out how you can help.

The evening will begin with appetizers and fellowship from 5:00 – 5:30 pm. People will then take their places; I will offer an official welcome and prayer of blessing over our time. We will then share a delicious potluck dinner and great conversations as we get to know some of our Navy personnel. Our main goal is to “friend” and “favor” our Navy family and affirm and thank them for their service to our country. We hope to mix and mingle and make sure every Navy member is hosted, be-friended, and spoken with.

A special “cookie” dessert will be given for just the Navy attendees, and two will have a hidden coin that marks them as recipients of two, one-hundred-dollar gift cards. This will be done towards the end of the meal. We will also be showing a brief, three-minute video summarizing the Navy history here on Whidbey Island and the importance of their work to our region and the world.

After closing with three verses of the navy Hymn “Eternal Father, Strong To Save,” we will close off the night and welcome any who wish to remain to play board games while others clean up.

I truly hope you will join me in marking this important event on your personal calendar and plan on being here Friday night at 5 pm. This is a “Navy” all-hands-on-deck moment for our church family to show our support.

“Fair winds and following seas!”

Pastor David 😊

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