"Coming Attractions"

I will call this Blog, “Coming Attractions!” I am in the final stages of preparing my preaching calendar for the first half of 2024. One of the aspects of ministry I have loved the most is the opportunity to preach and teach God’s word to His people every week. I’m thinking that by the time July 1, 2024 hits (accounting for vacations, and substitutions), I’ve probably had just over 1,800 times to preach and speak the word of God publicly. This is the office of Prophecy as “Forth-telling” God’s word and will to His people. It is a great honor and sacred trust to be given a platform by God to share His word. Here’s where we will journey together in the first six months of 2024.

January 7 – February 17 - Nehemiah: Rise & Rebuild. 
This will be a six-week series on Rebuilding & Renewal for the church. The Book of Nehemiah helps to charter a course for a “down and defeated people” to RISE AGAIN! Starting over is possible and promised under God!

February 25 – March 31  - The Supreme Life: The Book of Colossians. 
This six-week series will feature a focus on why Jesus is not just important, but central; not just considerable, but preeminent (the words of Eugene Peterson). This Lenten journey will make it clear that Jesus is not an equal among many, but the one-and-only savior of the world.

April 7 – April 28 – Thanking through It: Gratitude as a Way of Life. 
This four-week series on the importance of gratitude will foster a whole-life vision of how gratitude helps us to journey and engage well in meeting life’s highs and lows with tempered faith to weather all storms.

May 5 – May 26 – Patterns of Jesus: Discipleship Practices that Last. 
This four-week series will help us to explore what Jesus modeled for his disciples to replicate: solitude, fasting, Sabbath, rest, simplicity, no greed, slowing down, and patience.

June 2 – June 30 - Should've, Would've, Could've: Living a Life of No Regrets.
This five-week series will help us to avoid the horrible monster of “regret” and “defeat” as we learn that “wanting to go back to the way it was” (like going back to Egypt) is never a good idea. It robs us of our intended future.

Sunday, July 7 – a brand new chapter begins at OHFUMC. 
Please remember our church family has been in the ministry since 1891 (our incorporation year). During that time, we’ve been ministering for 132 years under the leadership of 29 pastors and preachers. I am “number 29!” July 7th, “number 30” takes the pulpit, and carries the torch with you as a beacon of hope for our community.

Feast now, and feast forever, on God’s good word!

“The word of the Lord endures forever” – 
1 Peter 1:25
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