Time to Say Good-Bye

It’s hard to believe the day has come. Saying “goodbye” and “Godspeed” to our beloved Director of Young People’s Ministries, Erin Tombaugh, seems surreal. But after 7+ years of faithful service, Erin has taken a position with our Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Office, directly serving two of our five District Superintendents.

Our staff took Erin out Thursday for a special lunch to celebrate her life and ministry together. Now, this Sunday, the whole church gets to come together for a very special after-church potluck luncheon celebration. We hope you will make a special effort to gather with us and send Erin off with much love and joyful memories. 

There will be a special presentation in the worship service and time of prayer over Erin. In Centennial Hall, we will also have a “cards-and-gifts” basket where you can use “wonderful words of life” (Hymn # 600 5020202020Recent




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