Resource UMC

Dear OHFUMC Family,

Now that the General Conference of the UMC has met and completed their work, “ResourceUMC” has a detailed summary of actions taken and implications of the future of our denomination. For a much more in-depth plunge into these topics, go to ResourceUMC.
ResourceUMC hails itself as “the online destination for leaders throughout The United Methodist Church.”  
The 2024 UMC General Conference…
  • Regionalization Petitions Approved for the restructuring of the UMC denomination into global “Regions” that will allow for contextualized ministry unique to different peoples and countries. “Regionalization represents an effort to put the church’s different geographical regions on equal footing and to make the General Conference less U.S.-centric.”
  • Removed from the Book of Discipline all Restrictive Language Related to LGBTQ People, thus allowing for same-sex marriages and clergy service.
  • Local church apportionments will go down. Conferences will shift from their current base rate of 3.29% to a base rate of 2.6% for 2025 and 2026.
  • The Social Principles in the Book of Discipline has now been revised and updated. “In addition to the language changes regarding human sexuality and inclusiveness, the Social Principles address the importance of advocating for human dignity and combating racism and other threats, caring for creation and the environment, standing against social ills, and supporting a healthy community in all its forms, including economic, social and political.”
  • Disaffiliation Policy Ended, Re-affiliation Measure Approved. Local churches can no longer opt out of our denomination via disaffiliation.
  • A host of other actions to speak out against racism, approve a new retirement program, full communion agreement with the Episcopal Church, adopted a new Book of Resolutions on key social topics, and celebrating Africa University and other milestone anniversaries.

These changes will play out differently in regional conferences and local church parishes. It will take time to tell what all this means for United Methodism as a whole and each local church in its local life of ministry.

I want to encourage you to read broadly and ask questions as you seek to understand the broader implications of this moment. What is unequivocally true is that our denomination has now joined others in opening the door for affirming same-sex relationships. This moment brings two responses in our culture: Celebration and Lamentation. Some people are exuberant and relieved and ecstatic and excited about this new future. Some people are disappointed, upset, sad, and grieving for a change in theological perspective.

Without debating this topic at this moment, I admonish this church to obey this scripture: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). Our culture and church do not agree on this, and many topics. We must show grace and compassion to one another. We must be sensitive and caring for each other. We must reinforce God’s message to us all that we are all His beloved!

As a so-called, “Traditionalist,” I remain committed and anchored in the historic vision of human sexuality and gender identity from a monogamous, heterosexual vantage point. This has not, and will not, stop my intention to be in relationships with people vastly different than me and seeing our larger pluralistic society as a framework for all beliefs and practices, not just for my own as an orthodox Christian.

Whatever your theological vantage point, live out loud (with and among others) with grace, humility, respect, gentleness, and a profound appreciation for the sacred worth of every human life. This is how we will best become more like Jesus!

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:2)

Pastor David 5020202020Recent




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