
Nostalgia. The sentimental longing or wistful thinking and affection for something in the past. Happy memories, often captured in still-frames on old pictures of days gone by and experiences now distant. Some things come and go and never return (like our youthful twenties! šŸ˜Š). Some things are rhythmically rehearsed in our lives on a regular basis. Seasons from ā€œMother Natureā€ are surely one of those experiences that refresh our memories of days gone by that renew our connection with our past.

As I am writing this reflection (Thursday morning), it is snowing heavily in downtown Oak Harbor. My bayside window is a gateway to the wonderland of white calmness, serenity, and beauty. I love the snow. It transports me back to my childhood and the magic of enchanted delight and playful freedom. Seasons have a way of reconnecting us with our history, our story, and our sense of self and identity---who we are and what we have experienced in our life journey.

The same is true in the Christian calendar. These rhythmical seasons (focal points) help us to do what the Bible asks us to do 231 times, and that is toā€¦ā€REMEMBER!ā€ Remembering WHO we are comes from remembering WHOSE we are. In our faith, we celebrate these six seasons:
Advent ā€“ The season of awaiting the arrival, the coming, and birth of Jesus Christ, Godā€™s Son and Messiah (savior) for the whole world.  (Symbolic Color ā€“ Purple)

Christmastide ā€“ The twelve days between Christmas day and January 6th, the season of wonder at the entrance of God into our world (Incarnation) through Jesus Christ. (Symbolic Color ā€“ Gold or White)

Epiphany ā€“ January 6th to Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) is the season we remember the ā€œappearingā€ of Jesus, his manifest sign in the night sky, and the visitation of the Magi to honor and worship this newborn king. (Symbolic Color ā€“ Green)

Lent ā€“ The 40 days before Easter when Christians call themselves into repentance and renewal of covenant life with God so we can fast, pray, and acknowledge afresh our need of Jesusā€™ love, mercy, and forgiveness in our lives. (Symbolic Color ā€“ Purple)

Easter ā€“ The day we celebrate our Lordā€™s resurrection and the joy of a victorious defeat of sin, death, and despair. We rejoice in the promise and hope of new life and the power to be lifted and transformed into new creations in Christ Jesus. (Symbolic Color ā€“ Gold or White)

Ordinary Time ā€“ This season, extending from Pentecost to Advent, is also known as ā€œKingdom tide.ā€ The expanse and growth of the church as the fruit of evangelism, changed lives, and the Spirit moving upon and across the whole earth. The Kingdom is coming, and the Kingdom is here. (Symbolic Color ā€“ Green)
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavensā€
Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV
Attend to your journey and remember who and whose you are!

Pastor David šŸ˜Š

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