A Presidential Honor Comes to OHFUMC

“Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”
Romans 13:7 NIV
Every now and then, an inspiring story rises to the top of our attention. Most unsung heroes live their lives, as the Apostle Paul instructed us, to “make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you” (1 Thessalonians 4:11). In so doing , one of our Church members has recently received a "President's Lifetime Achievement Award" signed by the President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden. Our Member started out on this trail very young. He says,
“I can honestly say that my ministry to help those in need began with me when I was a young lad of  17-18 years old. I have always had a burning flame inside of me which helped guide me to be of service to others. This willingness to provide help to others in need has provided me with successful and honorable service for 3 careers totaling 48 years.

In 2009 I was close to full retirement but yet my flame inside me told me I was not done yet.  With the help of a dear friend, I was put in touch with an organization called Habitat for Humanity whose main goal is to provide low-income housing for those in need. With the help of volunteers, we provide housing for all families who apply and are qualified with a home.”
Lauren Taffer, who is the Marketing and Communications Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Island County, unmasks our secret but celebrated volunteer. Dean Faris received this tremendous surprise (and honor) last Saturday, the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, for volunteering 4,008 hours with Habitat for Humanity of Island County. Lauren says,
“Dean has worked with us longer than most of the paid employees have been here. He is a CRUCIAL part of the success that Habitat for Humanity has gained in the years we have been here. I want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for Dean Faris's exceptional contribution to Habitat for Humanity of Island County. Over the course of 4000 + hours, Dean has been a driving force in our construction projects, bringing expertise, leadership, and a positive spirit to our team.

His commitment to our mission and his willingness to go above and beyond have made a lasting impact on our projects and our community. Dean's dedication has not only transformed physical spaces into homes but has also created a sense of unity and purpose among volunteers and staff.”
Please join me in extending your sincere thanks to Dean for his outstanding community service. We are incredibly fortunate to have him as part of our church family. It is truly more blessed to give than it is to receive (Acts 20:35).

Honoring community Service Together!

Pastor David Parker


Samantha Faris - November 23rd, 2023 at 10:42pm

Congrats Daddy! "Your Work Is Your Signature" You've always helped the community in one or another long as I can remember I'm proud of you!

Beth Munns - November 24th, 2023 at 10:20am

Dean, Congratulations! Well deserve! I remember you receiving an honor at OH Fire Dept.

Nice to see your passion in action!

Steven Scherer - November 25th, 2023 at 7:25pm

Dean, how terrific to read this about you.

First , congratulations. Quite the Honor. I wish I knew more about hot you and HfH, we have been supports for years & years.

I am also grateful for your inviting me into the Ushers group a couple years back. It forced me ( in a good way ) to step up and literally walk the talk at FUMC. That's ' Old School ' leadership, and that's the best kind.

Well done, and to repeat a perfectly acceptable cliche.... Thank YOU for your service.






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