With Courageous Mission and Service as one of our core values, it's no surprise that Mission Outreach is an important part of who we are as a church. Our Mission Outreach Ministry Team coordinates a variety of opportunities throughout the year for our congregation to serve and support missions on a local, national, and global level.


North Whidbey Help House
Our local food pantry. We collect non-perishable items throughout the year to donate. Our donation bin is located in Centennial Hall, and items are delivered each week.
Learn more about Help House here.

SPiN Cafe (Serving People in Need)
SPiN is a drop-in center that offers meals, laundry, and other services to those in need. SPIN cooks their free meals in our church's kitchen twice a week, and some of our small groups volunteer there.
Learn more about SPiN Cafe here.


The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church. Any time there is a natural disaster, UMCOR is one of the first organizations to offer aid.
Our church supports UMCOR through financial donations as well as by sending a team of volunteers to the UMCOR Depot in Baldwin, LA every couple years.
Learn more about UMCOR here.

Youth Mission Trips
Our youth group takes a mission trip every year to a different location. The work might include construction/repair projects, site cleanup, food bank, children's programming, homeless outreach, and more.
Recent trips have included San Diego, CA (2019), Cortez, CO (2018), Portland, OR (2017), and Coeur d'Alene, ID (2016).
Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care for individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their life. It may be loss of a loved one, a hospitalization, divorce or separation, loneliness, spiritual crisis, unemployment or job crisis, a terminal illness, incarceration, aging, birth, adoption, a chronic illness, relocation or any other difficult life experience. We all experience these challenges in life, times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry, so the identity of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private.


  • A lay person who has received 50 hours of training in providing emotional and spiritual care.
  • A caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages.
  • Someone who will “be there” for his or her care receiver, meeting faithfully for about an hour each week, for as long as there is a need.